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10 years

10 years ago, on a fine April day, three good friends made a decision which changed the world we know forever:  collating their experience, knowledge with their goals and with ethics, they created Mr. Organic.

May 14, 2019

The main driving force was to build a brand which represents the key values of our founders and will help to make this world a better place with positive actions.

Our 5ps have been established which are still the pillars of every decision we made, either it is a big business decision or an everyday question at the office:

Produce | Plant-based | Planet| People| Positivity

They indicating our decisions regarding our food:

Organic & plant-based, sourced only from trusted, well-known farmers and suppliers. We want to make the whole world a better place, hence we are focusing on the wellbeing of our planet. All our products carry the zero air miles certification and palm-oil free.

These established the Mr. Organic way to treat our people:

Put people to the centre. We want to give the best to our customers. Make sure that we provide healthy, nutritious, organic food which will make both body and mind happy.

To treat our suppliers, farmers, and employees like family. Still, today, our handful team at London cooks together every lunch break and sits around a giant dining table, like a big, Italian family.

To give back to the people: we are regularly supporting charities with food and activities. Recently we had been working with The Felix Project, City Harvest and we are planning to give more help to our furry friends at Hugletts Farm too.

And we do all these with smile and kindness. We believe that every action of ours should be driven by these values and carried out with a positive attitude.

With this approach and is 100% organic, we’ve been pioneers in the industry back in 2009. But the past 10 years proved that it is the way to go:

  • We continue to grow, averagely 30% every year.
  • We have 94 products and planning to launch further 12 in 2019. You can find us in bigger retailers and in your local shop.

And this is just the start. The next 10 years will be busy for the little guy, in a bowler hat with the green bow-tie. But I can ensure you: he won’t lose his smile.



Mr Organic logo2

Andrea’s Guide to Pasta Sauce

Mr Organic logo2

Garden Organic’s Growing Tips

10 years
Mr Organic logo TRANSPARENT

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