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Carrot Hot Dogs

Carrot Hot Dogs

Carrots? As Hot Dogs? Well we admit that we were also sceptical at first, but that did not prevent us from trying it out ourselves!

And let us tell you: WOW. Just WOW. But try it for yourself and let us know how wow’d you were yourself!

A perfect base for our Tasty Tomato Ketchups!

35 mins

3 - 5 people



3-5 Carrots
500 ml Water
1 teaspoon Salt
0.5 teaspoon whole Peppercorns
1/4 teaspoon Chili Flakes
1/2 teaspoon Fennel Seeds
1/2 teaspoon Sugar
1/2 teaspoon Whole All Spice
2 bay Leafs
Crunchy Onion Flakes for topping


1. Peel and cut the carrot to desired length or so they fit the Hot Dog buns.

2. Use a pan, just big enough to fit the carrots, and add water and all remaining ingredients.

3. Place the carrots in the liquid and bring it to a rolling boil.

4. Once boiling, turn down the heat to a low boil, so it’s still bubbling but not hard boiling. Leave to boil for anywhere between 20-40 minutes, depending on the thickness of your carrots. You want to cook them until they are soft, so they are almost falling apart, but not. (the cooking liquid may reduce down quit a lot – that’s ok, just top it up just so that it just about covers the carrots.)

5. Once cooked, carefully remove from the liquid and serve with the Mr Organic Tomato Ketchup of your choice, drizzle with mustard and top with crunchy onion flakes!

Which of our products do you need for this recipe?

Tomato Ketchup
Mr Organic product
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