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Whole Kids Foundation

In June Livia and Romy spent a day on Crockford Bridge Farm near Weybridge with the Wholekids Foundation.

Aug 12, 2017

In June Livia and Romy spent a day on Crockford Bridge Farm near Weybridge with the Wholekids Foundation.

The foundation took 3 London school classes out to the farm on the day, to let the kids experience farm life and show them how fruit and veg are harvested.

Prior to the farm the kids had already had a class about fruit and veg production on a farm and were excited to get to see the farm themselves.

In this years campaign focuses on the children making their own chutneys and seeing how a product comes from soil to the shelves. Aim of the farm day was to collect the fruit and veg required to create a yummy chutney recipe.

Our two lovely ladies joined the Bevington Primary School on the day to help pick fruit and veg for their chutneys.

Plenty of fruit (and also veg) was collected on the day for the chutney recipe,  which was prepared at the school following the farm day.

In July the kids then visited Wholefoods Market to sell their lovely chutneys in order to complete the soil-to-shelf journey.




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Whole Kids Foundation

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