This Organic September, Mr Organic is releasing a limited edition SUPER version of our classic Chopped Tomatoes. We all know we need to do our bit to help save the planet, and switching out your regular produce to Organic is a simple way to protect habitats, increase biodiversity and reduce Co2 emissions.
41% of Britain’s wildlife species have declined since 1970, and, according to studies by the Soil Association, 1 in 10 are currently facing extinction due to intensive farming practises with heavy uses of pesticide.
Organic farmers rely of the whole ecosystem to protect the soil and regulate the numbers of pests, and therefore use significantly less harmful chemicals on their land.
This creates a safe zone for wildlife and provides homes for bees, birds, butterflies and insects, resulting in significantly more biodiversity on Organic farms. Did you know that on Organic farms, there are around 75% more wild bees?
Our planet’s soils store around 2,500 billion tonnes of carbon – that’s more than in the plants, frees and the atmosphere combined!
By nourishing them with compost, nitrogen-fixing crops and crop rotations, Organic farming creates healthy, living soils which can sequest more carbon (3.5 tonners extra every hectare!).
Less Co2 released into our atmosphere means less pollution, better air quality and can help slow the global temperate rises.